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Helping Berger Paints identify the RIGHT ...

When planning for the future, having the right people take on critical roles is key to an organization’s success. That’s why assessing your talent for leadership potential is crucial! Berger Paints (one of the largest paint manufacturing companies in India)

Scaling organizational growth by Empowering Women ...

The future is female and research backs it up! Xoriant (a leading product engineering company) wanted to foster women’s leadership within their organization, and decided to embark on a development journey for their women leaders with Jombay. We kickstarted a

Decode Success: Jombay’s AI Unlocks Personal...

Ever wondered how to streamline and enhance the understanding of assessment reports, making the debrief process both efficient and personalized? Enter Jombay’s latest innovation – the AI Report Debrief feature. What if you could ensure a consistent explanation for every

Empowering Managers – Jombay’s Managerial ...

Today’s managers need to be adept at guiding and developing team members into the best versions of themselves. The role of a manager goes beyond just “managing tasks”. The role of today’s manager includes cultivating teams, nurturing talent, and fostering

Unlocking Future Leaders: Jombay’s High Pote...

‘High-potential employees are not ‘the right people’ to fill current vacancies. They are the right people to meet the future needs of the organization.’ Identifying high-potential employees is not just about finding stars for today, but nurturing the leaders of

Having a GREAT leader isn’t enough

Having a great leader isn’t enough. It’s just as important to have a backup for that leader:) Succession Planning is one of those things that stays on the backburner when things are going well and is rushed into when things

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