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Highlights on our 2020s Assessment & Developm...

Murphy USA – Here the client wanted to use the assessment centers for selection. ManageFirst, LeadFirst Simulation, Case Study and Critical Thinking Assessment were used. RPG Group – A virtual development centre was conducted for existing employees across two levels

Success Story: Identifying and developing internal...

Organizations are recognizing the advantages of developing talent internally and investing to identify potential successors. We had the opportunity to work with a Leading Glassware Company as they undertook this challenge in their organisation.This comapany is growing exponentially, with a distributed workforce

Success Story: Internal Talent Pipeline at a Large...

The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t  Yet, we regularly see organisations having to hire talent from outside instead of being able to internally promote. But it has been so exciting to work with a large pharma

Top 3 Assessment Center Experiences

Every month, Jombay wraps up and presents findings to our Assessment Center clients with detailed analytics reports. Some of these projects of the last quarter have stayed with me for being innovative, challenging and for giving us an opportunity to

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