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Fairness In Thinking Assessment


In the age when when people have more access to information than ever before, the ability to make sense of and leverage the data in an objective, rational and logical manner becomes of utmost importance. FiT Assessment is an instrument designed to measure critical thinking attitudes and biases in judgment and decision making.


The assessment consists of 2 salient clusters tapping into 11 unique dimensions

Critical Attitudes

Open- Considers points of view different than one's own.

Reflective- Examines own biases during reasoning or decision making.

Malleable- Reconsiders and revises conclusions in light of new knowledge.

Curious- Asks questions to unravel issues.

Evaluative- Trusts the processes of reasoned inquiry.

Balancing Biases

Bandwagon- Tendency to adopt a particular approach because everyone else is doing it.

Confirmation- Tendency to search for and favor information that confirms or supports one’s prior personal beliefs.

Distraction- Tendency to get distracted by irrelevant information that is presented along with relevant information.

Positivity- Tendency to incorporate only positive information while discounting negative information.

Commitment- Tendency to carry on fruitless endeavors due to already invested money, time, effort.

Halo- Tendency to overemphasize one specific trait or event in making an overall positive judgement.

Use Cases

High-Potential Identification

Development & Promotions

Test Description

Each dimension consists of a set of statements that are presented to the participant. The short statement is followed by response options on a 4 point Likert scale (For example: Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree). Participants are required to select one option out of four. There are no right or wrong answers. Instead, scores are used to determine where the participant stands on the dimension continuum. 

Testing Time

30-40 Minutes

Target Audience

Middle Managers, Senior Leaders


English + Other Languages on request


Our experts with I/O Psychology backgrounds follow guidelines of the BPS (British Psychological Society)


The FiT Assessment draws upon the work of eminent psychologists in the fields of critical thinking, biases, heuristics, and fallacies such as Peter Facione, Daniel Kahneman, and Amos Tversky. 

Rigour of Tool

Our tools come with robust reliability and validity standards and are based on validated scientific theories and practices.

Reliability refers to the degree to which a test or assessment is consistent and stable in measuring what it is intended to measure. There are several methods to understand a scale’s reliability. The measure of reliability for this assessment was computed through the test-retest method. Test-retest reliability was chosen as it helps to understand the extent to which the tool produces consistent scores when used on two different occasions. The test-retest reliability coefficients for the dimensions of Jombay’s FiT Assessment ranged from 0.64 to 0.73.

Internal consistency reliability of the dimensions of FiT Assessment was also computed. Internal consistency reliability was chosen as it measures the extent to which all of the items in a scale are measuring the same underlying dimension. The internal consistency of multi-item scales can be assessed by coefficient alpha. The alpha coefficients for all the dimensions of FiT Assessment ranged from 0.61 to 0.87.

Validity assesses the degree to which a scale measures the construct that it claims to measure. Content Validity is addressed after an assessment has been created. Reputed experts from academia and industry rated each item to indicate the degree to which it was aligned to a particular dimension and was perceived as important for measurement. Fit Assessment dimensions have content validity ratios (CVR) ranging between 0.61 to 1.00. This indicates that there is agreement among the raters on the relevance of each item within the dimension. The high range indicates that items within a dimension examine all the targeted aspects of the dimension.

The relationship between the Jombay’s Fairness in thinking Assessment and job performance was examined by using a sample of 55 managers and their reporting managers from an information technology company. Managers completed the Jombay’s FiT Assessment and the reporting managers of these participants rated their overall performance and overall potential. Overall performance was defined as the view that reporting managers have about these participants’ current performance in the current role. Overall potential was defined as the view that reporting managers have about these participants’ to take on the next level and future roles. Results indicated that the overall score on FiT Assessment correlated 0.51 (p<.01) with ratings of overall potential and 0.58(p<.01) with overall performance.

Norms consist of data that help determine the relative standing of an individual who has taken a test. In itself, a candidate’s score has little meaning. Hence, it is hence essential that the test score must be interpreted as indicating the candidate’s position relative to others in the candidate’s group.

FiT Assessment has a defined set of global norms which includes all data across industries, functions, and experience levels. Norming has been done at the dimension level and is based on the mean and standard deviation of the sample. Jombay norm data is annually updated.

Relevant For Industries









Take a look at the individual report that is delivered to candidates who take the FiT- Fairness In Thinking Assessment

Why use FiT Fairness In Thinking

Talent that can engage in critical thinking is objective, reflective and independent! FiT helps you identify strong critical thinkers that would reason logically and make rational decisions, detaching themselves from biases and subjective opinions.

Enabling People

Facilitates introspection with respect to implicit biases and capability for rational decision making and reasoning.

Seamless Experience

Easy to navigate interface. Deploy our assessments and get fast results.

Insightful Reports

Decipher reports with ease. Get insights into one’s critical thinking abilities.

Build your custom talent solution.
Through Jombay’s assessment technology platform, the FiT- Fairness In Thinking Assessment can easily be combined with other assessments, simulations and video interviewing tools to create a bespoke solution for your organization’s specific requirements.

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