The Case Study can host a variety of cases and enables assessment takers to write detailed subjective responses to questions based on the case. You can provide your own cases or simply pick one from our battery of case studies.
We have a wide choice of ready-to-use exercises covering a range of levels and competencies. We can work with you to develop a completely bespoke case study specific to your organizational context. Or if you have your own exercises, the Case Study platform can upload those too.
This can help measure key behaviors and dimensions that align with your competency framework. You can assess key behaviors for assessment takers across a variety of industries, functions, and seniority and experience levels.
Test Description
Assessment takers are required to read the case, extrapolate trends, and draw from the data provided to write the best possible subjective answers to a series of questions within the stipulated time. An assessor can then rate them online on Jombay’s assessor dashboard, where scores are sent to Jombay’s assessment scoring platform.
Assessment takers are required to read the case, extrapolate trends, and draw from the data provided to write the best possible subjective answers to a series of questions within the stipulated time. An assessor can then rate them online on Jombay’s assessor dashboard, where scores are sent to Jombay’s assessment scoring platform.
key details
Typically between 45 – 90 minutes
Across all industries, functions, seniority/experience levels
English, Spanish, Portuguese + Multiple Languages are supported
Why use Jombay’s Case Study?
The Case Study is widely used to help measure key behaviors and dimensions that align with your competency framework. Given below are the various benefits of using the Case Study.
The Case Study is widely used to help measure key behaviors and dimensions that align with your competency framework. Given below are the various benefits of using the Case Study.
Customize the experience by adding employer branding, and creating your own specific job profiles and situations.
Modern candidate experience
Intuitive interface for both assessment takers and administrators.
See how employees apply the concepts and theories they have learnt, to a particular case
Available in different languages on request
Build your custom
talent solution.
Through Jombay's assessment technology platform, the Case Study can easily be combined with other assessments, simulations and video interviewing tools to create a bespoke solution for your organization's specific requirements.