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The Abstract Thinking Assessment is Designed to measure an individual’s ability to perceive and think clearly, make meaning out of confusion and formulate new concepts when faced with novel information.

It is a comprehensive non-verbal measure of higher cognitive abilities related to key traits which have been found to be predictive of job success in a variety of roles and occupations. It is a popular option for assessing multilingual workforces. 

Jombay’s Abstract Thinking Assessment was developed to assess the clusters of higher cognitive facets that a large body of extant literature has found to be closely associated with fluid intelligence. It assesses key facets such as strategic thinking, problem solving, decision making, navigating ambiguity, and learning proficiency. The correlation between these traits and fluid intelligence is seen as a significant predictor of job performance and success, and has been found to be globally applicable across multiple demographics (Willis and Schaie, 1986; Hayslip and Maloy, 1992; Diehl, Willis and Schaie, 1995; Fry and Hale, 1996; Kim, 2005; Kvist and Gustafsson, 2007; Nusbaum and Silvia, 2011; Postlethwaite, 2011; Donati et al., 2014; Davoudi and Sadeghi, 2015; Kyllonen and Kell, 2017).

Use Cases

Success Profiling

High-Potential Identification

Development & Promotions

Test Description

The Abstract Thinking Assessment is made up of a series of diagrammatic items and requires basic English language proficiency in order to understand the instructions. Each item has 4-8 answer options & only 1 correct answer. The items are divided into three sets of 10 arranged in order of increasing difficulty. The three sets provide three opportunities for understanding the method of solving each item and represent three progressive evaluations of the test taker’s 

Testing Time

30 Minutes

Target Audience

Individual Contributors & First-time Managers

Difficulty Levels

Elementary, Intermediate & Advanced depending upon the level of audience


English + Other Languages on request


Our experts with I/O Psychology backgrounds follow guidelines of the BPS (British Psychological Society).


The Abstract Thinking Assessment draws on the work of eminent psychologist Raymond Cattell’s concept of fluid intelligence.

Rigour of Tool

Our tools come with robust reliability and validity standards and are based on validated scientific theories and practices.

Reliability assesses the extent to which variations in test scores reflect true differences in ability between people (on the construct being measured) rather than random errors in measurement.

The Abstract Thinking Assessment has a reliability coefficient of 0.71. The measure of reliability for this assessment was computed through the split-half method. Here, the assessment is split into two parts and both parts are given to one sample at the same time. The most commonly used method to split the test into two is using the odd-even strategy. The scores from both parts of the test are correlated.

Split-half testing was chosen as it is the most commonly used reliability measure for multiple choice tests. Additionally, it allowed the seamless computation of reliability through one administration of the assessment to the appropriate sample. It overcomes problems associated with multiple test administration, sample accessibility, and the effect of learning and memory.

Validity assesses the degree to which a scale measures the construct that it claims to measure. The Abstract Thinking Assessment has a validity coefficient of 0.37, determined via concurrent validity. Concurrent validity measures how well a new test compares to a well-established test that assesses the same construct.

A sample was administered the Abstract Thinking Assessment and Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) to measure the concurrent validity of the Jombay assessment. The APM is a well-established measure of traits associated with fluid intelligence and higher cognition. Concurrent validity has been found to be a robust method of assessing validity and overcomes problems associated with limited access to future outcomes, which plagues other validity methods.

Relevant For Industries








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Why use Jombay’s Abstract Thinking Assessment?

The Abstract Thinking Assessment is widely used in situations where a predictor of job success in a variety of roles and occupations is required. Given below are the various benefits of using the Abstract Thinking Assessment.

Modern candidate experience

Intuitive interface for both assessment takers and administrators.

Enhanced insight for managers

Understand strengths and areas of improvement of your people. Improve performance through appropriate development.

Role Specific Insights

Pinpoint what’s crucial for success in specific roles.

Globally relevant

Available in different languages on request

Build your custom talent solution.
Through Jombay’s assessment technology platform, the Abstract Thinking Assessment can easily be combined with other assessments, simulations and video interviewing tools to create a bespoke solution for your organisation’s specific requirements.

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