The Abstract Thinking Assessment is Designed to measure an individual's ability to perceive and think clearly, make meaning out of confusion and formulate new concepts when faced with novel information.
It is a comprehensive non-verbal measure of higher cognitive abilities related to key traits which have been found to be predictive of job success in a variety of roles and occupations. It is a popular option for assessing multilingual workforces.
Jombay's Abstract Thinking Assessment was developed to assess the clusters of higher cognitive facets that a large body of extant literature has found to be closely associated with fluid intelligence. It assesses key facets such as strategic thinking, problem solving, decision making, navigating ambiguity, and learning proficiency. The correlation between these traits and fluid intelligence is seen as a significant predictor of job performance and success, and has been found to be globally applicable across multiple demographics (Willis and Schaie, 1986; Hayslip and Maloy, 1992; Diehl, Willis and Schaie, 1995; Fry and Hale, 1996; Kim, 2005; Kvist and Gustafsson, 2007; Nusbaum and Silvia, 2011; Postlethwaite, 2011; Donati et al., 2014; Davoudi and Sadeghi, 2015; Kyllonen and Kell, 2017).