The Leadership Challenges Series is a holistic and comprehensive managerial and leadership capability assessment that takes the assessment taker through a series of challenges that people leaders face regularly.
It lets leaders step out of their normal day-to-day roles and experience the ”big picture”. Participants make decisions in a risk-free environment, experience critical interdependencies, and execute best practices. It gives individuals the chance to see the direct impact of their actions and the role they play in the organization's strategy.
Organizations are relying on business simulations to build strategic alignment and execution capability. The more customized the simulation, the more experience assessment takers can bring back to the job.
In this interactive assessment, assessment takers experience a plethora of scenarios (in the form of caselets) requiring them to take vital actions and make critical decisions. Caselets may cover challenges pertaining to business, customer, operations and people. The varying scenarios make this platform feature-rich, with situations being represented in the form of emails, chat messages, matrices, SWOT analyses, reports, and videos. These require assessment takers to make timely decisions and ensure progress towards goal achievement.
The Leadership Challenges is available in 2 versions – auto scored and assessor scored (where the email responses are evaluated by assessors through Jombay's Assessor dashboards.) It is also available in 5 industry variants – contextualized to the specific industry and talent challenges.