
Registrations for the 2024 journey are now closed!

Keep an eye on this space for more information about the 2025 journey 🙂

We have published THE LIST of most admired women leaders for the second year!

We look forward to hosting all the winners in fireside chats for the participants of this year’s 1000 Women Leaders Programs.

The list of “TOP ALLIES 2023” published by Jombay’s 1000 Women Leaders Movement
celebrates champions who take the cause of empowering women leaders seriously!

This program is for your organization if any of these resonate

Are women professionals dropping out of your workforce in worrying numbers?

Are returning mothers struggling to get back to work?

Do your women leaders need a mindset shift about taking up available leadership opportunities?

Are your women leaders committed to their career growth?

Are your women leaders going through a role transition?

Are you gunning for better diversity goals?


Too often, we are told that somehow “leading like a woman” is not good enough. That the more feminine leadership attributes are not enough for success. At the same time, women may face their own internal barriers, the not-necessary superwoman syndrome, the guilt of putting self ahead of others, a reluctance to leverage networks to forward themselves, the struggle to voice their opinions and many more on their career path.

After extensive research and a mega-series of conversations with leaders of both genders, we bring 3 programs for women leaders across 3 different seniority levels. They leverage these inherent so-called “feminine traits” that allow women to be efficient, agile, creative, empathetic and effective leaders. 

Each of the 4 month programs gives women the opportunity to examine the real world problems they face. They will also have support from mentors & peers, many of whom may have been in the same boat! It is designed for rising women professionals, to make them more confident professionals and leaders, enable a career jump and enhance their leadership by leveraging an entire tribe of women (as well as male allies) – all by rising/leading/winning like a woman! 

The 1000 Women Leaders Program includes opportunities for participants to :

Assessment Center

Know oneself

360 Degree Feedback

Understand blind spots

Master Classes

Learn from the best

Digital Learning Journey

Bytes of  wisdom

Experience Interview

Building growth roadmaps


Tips from industry experts


Session & stories of inspiration


A lasting


Recognition for the top 10% of the cohort

Components across 3 programs

Master Class speakers

Inspirational, high achieving women from 2024’s THE LIST who have broken the glass ceiling in different fields (arts, culture, tech, business, sports etc) will be speaking in our Master Classes to inspire the participants.

Who is this for?

The 1000 Women Leaders Program offers 3 programs for women leaders across 3 different seniority levels.

Rise Like a Woman Program

Young women professionals with 2-10 yrs of experience

Lead Like a Woman Program

Mid Career women professionals with 11-19 yrs of experience

Win Like a Woman Program

Women Leaders with 20+ yrs of experience

It is not just for top talent. If you are looking to steer your career in an expedited manner, feel free to join the tribe 🙂

What’s in it for participants?

Still wondering why women leaders should be a part of the most relevant and growth oriented Women Leader Program?

Invest in growth

Through this program, there is a hyper focus on growth! As participants get to know themselves better, they are also able to complement that awareness with the right leadership skills and growth plans.

Mindset Shift

This program brings about a ‘mindset shift’ - essential for women leaders to tackle bigger responsibilities, diverse roles and to take on new challenges.

Outside-In Prerspective

This program enables an outside-in perspective through a diverse peer group and mentors from other organizations. In addition, women CXOs from across India are part of our Master Classes, Mentors and Jury Panels.

Recognition of Excellence

The top 10% of the “Rising Like a Woman” cohort & “Leading Like a Woman” cohort will be awarded the “10% CLUB”. Similarly, exceptional individual projects in the “Winning like a Woman” cohort will be recognised. This element of competition drives engagement throughout the program.


The program constructs were developed using a 3 pronged approach – leveraging 12 years of assessment data of over 110K managers, an in-depth analysis of existing academic literature, business citations and organizational research and a synthesis of these. Our goal for the curriculums was to capture the new-age development needs for modern women leaders who were also contending with age-old barriers.


“The Leadership Ambition Gap (inner obstacles women must overcome) is one of the reasons for the poor representation of women in leadership positions.” (Sheryl Sandberg)

Cultivating a Protagonist Mindset enables women to overcome these imposed barriers and be the star of their show! 


The “Superwoman Myth” decreed women should be able to “do it all”. As a result, women often feel overwhelmed when confronted with the demands of multiple roles (Women and the Myth of Having it All – Harvard University Research) 

Cultivating a Warrior Mindset enables women to let go of the chase for perfection – making space for their own well-being, combating burnout & building resilience. 


“There is a fundamental disconnect between generally accepted notions of leadership and femininity that puts women in a double bind.” (Korn Ferry Research Institute)

Cultivating a Maverick Mindset enables women to develop assertiveness to advocate for themselves, be vocal about their needs & adopt a diplomatic approach to negotiations. 


“Women leaders are just as ambitious as men, but at many companies they face headwinds that make it harder to advance like having their judgment questioned or being mistaken for someone junior. (McKinsey and Co.) 

Cultivating a Campaigner Mindset enables women to embrace organizational politics & deepen support systems to leverage unwritten rules of getting things done. 


“Strong leadership requires the ability to consider POVs from people of different backgrounds. Companies that have women directors & executive officers lead by example.” (MIT Sloan Executive Education)

Cultivating an Enterprising Mindset enables women to look beyond managerial responsibilities, innovate, take risks & pioneer change while creating an environment of collaborative spirit. 

Program Curriculum across the 3 Programs

Program Pricing

Recognition of Excellence!

The top 10% of the “Rise like a Woman” and “Lead Like a Woman” program cohort will be awarded the 10%Club.

Similarly the Honors List of the “Win like a Woman” program cohort will be awarded as a recognition of excellence.

These serve to increase program engagement by adding a layer of competition.

Key Milestones

How to Enter

We can’t wait to welcome you to the “1000 Women Leaders Program" for 2024
Program starts June 2024!!

1/ Confirm your Eligibility

(This is for women professionals who take their careers seriously)

2/ Fill the registration form

3/ Pay the Entry Fee

*NO REFUNDS are possible once payment
has been made

Pricing Schedule

Final Pricing
30th June
INR 22,000 + GST

*NO REFUNDS are possible once payment has been made.

What Participants Are Saying

WLP 2023 Participant Testimonials

Mentor Testimonials

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Here are our most commonly asked questions:

What is the 1000 Women Leaders Program?

The 1000 Women Leaders Program is a leadership program designed to propel a tribe of talented and self-motivated women into managerial as well as leadership roles. We have 3 programs for 3 different experience levels!

What are the milestones?

The main components of the journey are:

  • Assessment Center
  • 360 Degree Feedback
  • Master Classes
  • Digital Learning Journey
  • Mentoring
  • Networking
  • A chance to be in the 10%CLUB
  • What topics are covered during the journey?

    5 mindsets that are conscious of the challenges women face as their careers rise to newer heights.

  • Protagonist Mindset
  • Warrior Mindset
  • Maverick Mindset
  • Campaigner Mindset
  • Enterprising Mindset
  • Do I need to be a certain age?

    Age is not a bar, as long as you are serious about your career. We have 3 programs for 3 different experience levels!

    Is this all online?

    Yes! We want to be inclusive of participants from the far corners of the country

    Our Partners 2023

    We have extended the 1000 Women
    Leaders Program to 3 levels

    Registrations for 2024 are now CLOSED. 

    For any queries reach out to