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Empowering Mid-Level Managers at HDFC Life

“Mid-level managers are the linchpin of organizational success, bridging the gap between strategy and execution.” This truly captures the pivotal role that mid-level managers play within any organization.  HDFC Life (a leading life insurance company in India) wanted to bring

Transforming First-Time Managers at Alkem Laborato...

“Firsts” are always hard 🙂  And the role of a first time manager has evolved in today’s workplace. From having to manage a multigenerational workforce, to needing to coach a them vs just managing their tasks – the stakes for

Elevating Manager Capability at Thermax 

How can organizations elevate their managerial foundation? Read on to see how Jombay worked with Thermax to empower their first-line managers in order to fuel organizational growth. Thermax, a leading energy and environment solutions provider, wanted to nurture and enhance

Leveraging Tech for IDP tracking

Are traditional methods of managing Individual Development Programs (IDPs) for your teams leaving you and the managers in your organization yearning for more?  IDPs are the bedrock upon which meaningful growth and career advancement are built. However, the traditional methods

Decode Success: Jombay’s AI Unlocks Personal...

Ever wondered how to streamline and enhance the understanding of assessment reports, making the debrief process both efficient and personalized? Enter Jombay’s latest innovation – the AI Report Debrief feature. What if you could ensure a consistent explanation for every

Key Themes shaping Jombay’s Leadership Programs ...

As we jump into the new year, we are excited to share with you some of the pivotal trends shaping the world of leadership and development in 2024. These trends not only reflect the current state of the industry but

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