
ACKO General Insurance is the fastest growing insurance company in India and was also the country’s first digital insurer. As the organization scales, investing in learning & upskilling opportunities for their people is important. ACKO wanted to acknowledge and entrust a tribe of First Time Managers as they stepped into their new roles.

Jombay deployed a “First Time Manager” program to help these first time managers tackle the shift from a maker to a manager. Here are some details of the program:

> Contextual To The Organization: The program fostered essential skills for Managing Self, People & Performance and aligned with competencies that were relevant to the organization.

> Interesting to the Audience : We believe that learning experiences with relevant yet unboring content and immersive experiences empower maximum learning. For ACKO, we ran workshops inclusive of role plays and experiential exercises!

> Impactful for the long haul : Participants found the content relevant and were impacted by ability to apply it at work – ensuring that it is useful in the long run.

If you too are looking for partners in running Managerial Development Programs feel free to reach out  for a quick chat:)

Copyright © Jombay 2022

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