Unlocking leadership potential at SBL Coatings

High-performing leaders can drive up to a 29% increase in team productivity and a 25% boost in organizational profitability.

Investing in better leaders directly impacts team and business performance! And when organizations are building their future leadership pipeline, it’s critical to assess if your people truly have the leadership potential to succeed at the next level.


SBL Coatings (a leading specialty industrial coatings manufacturer), recognized this and partnered with Jombay to assess the leadership potential of their Managers, GMs and DGMs. Here's how we crafted an immersive Development Center for them:

> Focused on themes relevant to the organization & role - We designed the Development Center around behaviors essential for the success of managers at SBL, focusing on competencies like Managing Self, Managing People, Managing Operations, Managing Customers and Managing Business.

> Integrated Assessment Experience - Participants were evaluated through personality, behavioral, and cognitive lenses, offering a holistic view of their critical thinking abilities, leadership styles, and potential.

> Informed Decision Making - Detailed individual reports, competency-based scores, and exercise summaries provided actionable insights, identifying development areas for the participants and their readiness for the next level.

The Result?

With a clear understanding of their managers' strengths and potential, SBL Coatings was equipped to make informed, strategic leadership decisions.

If you too are looking for partners in running a Development Center for your team, feel free to reach out for a quick chat:)

Digital Learning
Leadership Assessments
Leadership Development
Development Programs