Transforming Business Development Managers for Boehringer Ingelheim

Business Development Managers (BDMs) are among the most valuable assets driving an organization’s growth! Ensuring their success means better relationships and bigger business wins.

Boehringer Ingelheim (one of the largest pharmaceutical companies) wanted Jombay’s help to develop their BDMs on key competencies essential for their success and assess their growth.


Here’s what we did it:

> Focused the initiative on themes critical to the organization & role such as Personal Effectiveness, Customer Focus, Planning, Execution, and Results, Courageous Conversations and Leading People.

> Implemented a journey-based development program with multiple components like virtual Master Classes and Group Connects.

> Conducted a holistic post-journey assessment – Each participant was viewed through a personality, behavioral and cognitive lens to build a holistic picture of them. Through this we were able to understand their individual growth after the journey, measure readiness and close the loop on the entire intervention.

Through immersive training sessions and customized development modules, we empowered Boehringer Ingelheim BDMs with the essential skills and competencies needed to excel in their roles—laying a strong foundation for sustainable business growth!

If you too are looking for partners in running a Managerial Development Journey for your team, feel free to reach out for a quick chat:)

Digital Learning
Managerial Assessments
Managerial Development
Development Programs