‘A well-trained sales team can drive 50% higher net sales per employee’ —making it essential to understand & invest in their development.
Zydus, a global life sciences company, set out to understand their sales team and Jombay deployed a 360-degree survey, to evaluate them across levels & uncover key growth areas. This insight then shaped a tailored, blended learning journey to equip them with the right skills for success.
Here’s how Jombay designed and implemented a comprehensive 360-degree multi-rater exercise in order to achieve this.
> Focused on core competencies - The 360-degree survey was aligned with key sales behaviours crucial for success at Zydus. These included Strategy Focus, Result Focus, People Focus, Communication Focus, Self Focus and Business Focus.
> Gaining valuable insights - Jombay’s in-depth 360-degree survey collected feedback from direct reports, managers, and peers. This comprehensive approach offered a well-rounded perspective on each person’s strengths and areas for growth, paving the way for targeted development.
The result?
Zydus uncovered key insights to design a targeted blended learning journey, ensuring their sales team developed the right skills for success.
If you too are looking for partners in running a 360-degree feedback survey to help your leaders gain key insights on being effective leaders, feel free to reach out for a quick chat:)