
Today I wanted to give you an update on our catalogue of assessment tools. We categorize our assessments into four areas:

  1. BEHAVIORAL & COGNITIVE ASSESSMENTS (Personality Assessment (27 ECHO, 27 FORTE, HOGAN, Saville Wave, SOSIE, 15FQ, Caliper), Abstract Thinking Assessment, Critical Thinking Assessment, Aptitude Test)
  2. SITUATIONAL ASSESSMENTS (Situational Judgement Test, Leadership Challenges Series (Auto Scored and Assessor Scored), Inbox (Day in Life) Simulation (Auto Scored and Assessor Scored) 
  3. ASSESSOR-LED INTERVENTIONS (Case Study Presentation, Leadership Deep Dive Interview, Behavioral Event Interviews, Role Plays, Innovation Exercise)
  4. MULTI-RATER FEEDBACK (90 Degree to 360 Degree Feedback)


Jombay specializes in running these Assessment centers virtually,  with a strong focus on:

  • Science Backed Approach – Assessment Center tools are built on robust scientific models.
  • Contextualizing the assessment center to the client context.
  • Modern Candidate Experience with a single candidate dashboard
  • Delivering the assessment in an experiential manner using simulations, role plays, case studies and video interviews among others.
  • Insightful Reporting with data from fully auto scored tools and assessor scored tools, integrated to give actionable individual and group insights. See a sample report here 


A team of I/O Psychologists, program managers and 25 empanelled assessors (certified on different tools, like HOGAN Personality Suite, Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal and specializing across sectors, topics and leadership levels) work towards an effective assessment center design and delivery. Jombay delivers these assessment centers at scale, with the help of an assessment technology platform. We’ve run assessment centers for cohorts of 30-2,000 participants at a time!

Just in the last year, we have done 300+ Assessment Centers (with an average NPS of 72.8) and deployed these for 50,000+ managers. Some of our most commonly used use cases across industries include:

  • Executive & Managerial Selection
  • High Potential Assessment
  • Leadership  Assessment &  Succession Planning
  • Talent Management
  • Competency based Managerial Development

Do let me know if you would like to know more about implementing any of these at your organization. I’d be happy to share a detailed outline of the program.


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